What is fostering - Fostering
What is fostering
Here are some of the other different types of foster care.
Short-term foster carers look after children before they move to a longer-term family or return to their family home. The care and attention they give the children can help prepare them for their next move.
Long-term foster carers will look after children throughout their childhood or sometimes beyond under staying put arrangements. Foster carers will support children to keep in touch with the people and places that are important to them to maintain lifelong links and at every step be working towards independence.
Parent and child foster carers offer a home to both parent and child, providing extra help and care to support parents to successfully care for their child.
Family and Friends or Connected Carers care for a child who they know or who is part of their family
Respite foster carers provide care for children over a short period of time for example at weekends or overnight during the week. Respite carers provide families and foster carers with a network of support.
Specialist family carers are provided by the Harbour service for children on the edge of care and in care. Each foster carer will offer a home and support for young people with particularly complex needs. Specialist Family carers are carers who have been specifically chosen for their ability to provide this intensive and dedicated care.
Foster for adoption carers are carers who care for babies and young children where the plan may be for adoption or return to their birth family.
Supported lodgings carers provides homes for young people age 18 to 25-year-olds who need a guiding hand as they move towards independence.